Adventures in Uber Driving and Coronavirus Survival 2019

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Coronavirus Survivor

I am a coronavirus survivor, but even the most vital individuals will be tried and tested by their immune system’s ability to protect them. At the core of this God-given system lies the importance of adequate nutrition. Trying to find it only in the food we eat is a fool’s errand. Due to western culture’s farming practices, it just can’t be found.

The Path Traveled

Before the coronavirus outbreak, I drove for the two prominent ride-sharing companies, Uber and Lyft, for almost two years. In December 2018, a few days away from Christmas, one person in a group of three passengers I picked up couldn’t stop coughing in my back seat. And it didn’t sound as though he was covering his mouth. I was engrossed in a delightful conversation with a young exchange student in my front seat. He was pursuing a master’s in music at USC with a concentration on film scoring. We both were uncomfortable with the constant coughing directly behind me but continued the conversation anyway. Unfortunately, the student was the first to depart, leaving me alone with the two passengers in the back seat.

Fast-forward to Christmas Day 2018. I could barely get out of bed. I was achy all over, listless with no energy, and I didn’t want to walk around, let alone open my Christmas present. And yes, I had a slight cough, no fever, but I went back to bed to rest and decided to replenish myself with fluids. After a three-day recovery, I decided that I would no longer pick up “shared” or “pool” rides anymore. I attribute my quick recovery to the wisdom that God has blessed me with within the areas of science-based, clinically verified nutrition. When I provide my body with the raw materials that it needs, it will put out the fires that invade my immune system and keep it ready to repair itself for as long as it can. Of course, nutrition is not a replacement for common sense. I should have warned the coughing passenger that I would have to end the ride if he continued coughing.

One Year Later

Fast-forward again to Christmas 2019, and all is well! I’m glad I stopped using my car as a bus instead of just as a taxi. The year is starting well, and I am still getting many drop-offs and pick-ups from LAX. The numerous airport fares from Uber helped me have a very lovely Christmas, and I’m financially well off. Then just about a week after New Year’s, I started having a dry cough. I didn’t think of it as much except an irritation that would eventually disappear. Besides, I never experienced any fever. I tried never to cough after picking up a passenger until I let them out of the car. That was hard. To top things off, when I would lie in bed at night while trying to sleep, I experienced difficulty breathing. Then one day, after a passenger exited, I developed a coughing fit that didn’t subside for an entire minute.

There was chatter in the news of a coronavirus that was hitting China. I can’t tell you how many Asian people I had picked up from LAX during the abundance of airport rides that I received. Accordingly, it was at that point I decided after dropping someone off at LAX that I would not  pick up someone who just landed. It didn’t make sense to discriminate by avoiding Asian people when so many people of various cultures visit China. No more rides from the airport – period. Those passengers have been riding in a closed-up metal tube for hours with who knows what?


Coronavirus Survivor Or Just Flu Survivor?

It wasn’t until February of 2020 that confirmation of a novel coronavirus from China had arrived in the US. But I knew something was wrong with me in January, while there was no way to test for it.

The cough that I endured was unlike any other I had ever experienced in my life. Trying to breathe at night was as if something was sitting on my chest. It squeezed all my air ducts, constricting the flow of air. At times I was coughing up a buildup of white, loose, sticky phlegm that wouldn’t dissipate until I drank some hot peppermint tea with honey. The tea would allow me two to four hours of sleep – sitting up. I was a wreck. By the time I went to see my surgical mask-wearing doctor, who made the effort to protect me from mild symptoms she experienced, I was a coronavirus survivor. At that time, I only had an occasional cough, which I attributed to post-nasal drip. In Southern California, the sometimes 30-degree in one-day weather changes affect me adversely. She coaxed me to try over-the-counter Claritin, which I did. Because wheezing kept me up at night, and I needed some sleep. It worked temporarily, but then I had to rid my system of its residual contaminants.


coronavirus survivor

Enter COVID-19

About a week or two after my episode that lasted about two months, an announcement came that COVID-19 would be the virus’s name. Before knowing it had a name, I stopped ride-sharing driving altogether. Most nights, I found myself sleeping on the sofa. I feared disturbing my wife’s sleep with my constant throat clearing. At the end of those two months, however, she started coughing. But God healed her in only about two weeks! I have read reports that women recover faster than men and that the virus is also age-related (I am five years older). Still, I think it is remarkable how quickly my wife recovered when I have supplemented much more and probably longer than her. Still, she became another coronavirus survivor.

I have a distinct feeling that other coronaviruses will appear in the future. The Bible lets us know that plagues, famines, earthquakes, wars, and rumors of wars are coming. Let’s be smart about this and give our bodies a fighting chance it needs to survive at least the plagues. I have been following the Naturopathic nutritional advice of Dr. Peter Glidden and Dr. Joel Wallach (founder of Youngevity) since 2014. Their advice made a huge difference in my life, so I decided to make an effort to share my knowledge with the world.

Keeping The Old Man Alive

I spent 25 or more years cherry-picking what vitamins and minerals I thought I should take. Then I discovered the “Mighty 90” about eight years ago, and I haven’t looked back. The 90 consists of 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and two essential fatty acids that every vertebrate needs to maintain optimal health. My independent studying educated me so that when I learned about the 90 essential nutrients, I was well-aware of most of the ingredients from that prior research. Much of that research I attribute to another favorite cutting-edge company that manufactures pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements, Life Extension. We offer their products and Youngevity’s products because we take them ourselves and can vouch for their effectiveness.

In addition to taking the Healthy Brain and Heart Pak, I add this unique combo, which I believe helps me to boost my immune system: Ultimate MicrobiomeCollagen Peptides, Boron, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, CoQ10 with PQQ. N-Acetyl L Cysteine is an amino acid that I would recommend taking all the time. After reading this study on PubMed, I upped my dosage, and I have now obtained even better results.

Our intention is to make a difference by helping individuals overcome the degenerative diseases that accompany poor nutrition. Learn to trust your God-given immunity and how to support this gift through nutrition. Whatever you might be facing now, whether you are being treated for it or not, get in touch with us via the free 15-minute consultation. I know we can help.

— Dr. Stuart W. Brown

Stuart Brown, D.D.



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